Nikki Haley left the UN

TEHRAN - Nikki Haley has resigned as the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations and will leave her post in January. Since Trump’s first weeks in office, the White House has been plagued with high-profile departures of people who are fired or resign, often after being stung by scandal or caught up in some controversy: National Security Adviser Mike Flynn, FBI Director James Comey and Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, to name a few.
Many critics believe that the presence of Nikki Haley besides people such as John Bolton and Mike Pompeo has led to the formation of the Subotage triangle in the U.S. foreign policy, and as a result expanded the costs of Washington's defeat in the international system. Haley stepped aside while her poor and dark performance in the UN Security Council is known to everyone.
The important point to be considered in this regard is the truth behind Nikki Haley's resignation from her post. Haley's unexpected resignation fueled rumors, and accordingly different sources came up with different ideas. The Iuvm Press, for example, writes;
"When Mike Pompeo came to the State Department, she (Haley) was virtually unable to act as an independent unit like the past, and was forced to carry on her activities within the framework of the Department of State and align with Mike Pompeo, and even to say that with the coming of Pompeo, her close relationship with the White House was narrowed over a year and no longer had the freedom of the past."
It continues; "Some speculation suggests that the pressures of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Advisor John Bolton, after she failed at the recent General Assembly, led to her resignation. In a resignation speech, Haley did not mentioned to Mike Pompeo and John Bolton to reinforce this speculation that her resignation was the result of a sharp gap between Donald Trump’s cabinet."
But it seems that this hypothesis can't be true. Given the violent and aggressive behavior of Nikki Haley, and her particular attachment to the Zionist regime, the truth is probably something else.
It should not be forgotten that McMaster and Tillerson's resignations (due to their disagreement with Trump's policies regarding the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) was much fueled by Nikki Haley's encouragements. In any case, during her presence at the UN Security Council, nobody ever mentioned her name as a moderate politician, and even some traditional Republicans have criticized her and her procedure in the Trump government.
Trump's main concern in the early months of his presence at the White House was the inclusion of Iran's missile power in the context of the nuclear deal. The result of this concern was Nikki Haley's ridiculous show on Iran's missile power. However, some of Trump's companions like the former U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson believed that, given the certainty of the JCPOA document, there was virtually no possibility of adding the issue of Iran's missile power to it, and it was necessary to do it in the form of a secondary agreement.
The three European countries of France, Britain and Germany also showed the green light to Washington in this regard. But the United States eventually left the nuclear deal. In any case, tying up Iran's missile capability to the nuclear deal was the goal that the U.S. president and Nikki Haley were both pursuing. But, as the Supreme leader of the Islamic Revolution emphasized, Iran's missile and defense capabilities are not negotiable. And at the end, we could see that the White House officials couldn't do anything about it.
At the same time, the Polittico reported that it was Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, who paved the way for the U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA in spite of the concerns of other cabinet members. Earlier in July, Trump reluctantly declared Tehran's commitment to the nuclear deal. The announcement of this commitment by the U.S. government was encouraged by Rex Tillerson and James Metis.
Tillerson and Metis, who were much more experienced than Nikki Haley in military and political affairs, were aware of the consequences of the disagreement of other international players with Washington in opposing the JCPOA. That made Tillersson to warn Trump on pulling out of the nuclear deal, despite his negative attitude towards the JCPOA.
Anyway, at a White House meeting held in late July with the presence of Herbert McMaster, former National Security Advisor, and Mike Pence, Nikki Haley called on Trump to give her a chance at to provide reasons for U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA. Nikki Haley's trip to Vienna and her visit to Yukiya Amano, Director General of the IAEA, took place in the same direction.
During this meeting, Haley tried to catch the perfect accompaniment of the agency in confrontation with the JCPOA, but failed in this regard.
In any case, Nikki Haley stepped aside from her post as the U.S. Ambassador to the UN while there's no way she can be called on as a successful politician in Washington's foreign policy. Undoubtedly, her name will remain in the minds as the symbol of Trump's failure in the foreign policy. Today, few people in the United States speak of political intelligence and strategic understanding of Nikki Haley.
It shouldn't be forgotten that the former United States Ambassador to the United Nations stepped aside with her disappointing results in grounds such as defending the illegal settlements of the Zionists in the West bank, and defending the killing of the Yemeni people by the Saudis, and defending the slaughter of Syrians by the American coalition. Undoubtedly, Nikki Haley should be hold responsible to the public and to the international society for the commitment of such crimes.
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